Tag Archives: motorcycles

Do You Think Awards Are Important?


When I receive an award I perform a happy dance.

This past week I was awarded, not one, but three blog awards.

First, I was honored with the “Inspiring Blog Award” and the “One Lovely Blog Award” courtesy of Stephanie Nickels. She is an editor at Christian Editing Services. Thanks, Stephanie!

For these two awards I was asked to share seven facts about myself. So here they are:

7 Facts Everyone Is Dying To Know 🙂

  • Writes for children, tweens, and teens
  • Draws and paints whimsical works of art
  • Avid reader
  • Rare breed dog owner
  • Motorcycle mamma
  • Antique lover (rooster, pineapple, and sheep collector)
  • And wife of a supportive, hard-working husband 🙂

The third,–another Liebster Award presented by Kittyb78. Thanks, Kitty!
Kitty blogs about writing, marketing, and publishing.

Pursuant to the Liebster Blog Award rules, Kitty provided eleven questions designed to “get to know me” outside of my blog.

What prompted you to set up a blog?

I attended Write Canada 2011 and was encouraged to start a blog then. Let me tell you though, the idea of exposing my words to the world made me almost puke. As we know, fear can prevent us from moving forward. So instead of allowing fear to grab hold, I kicked it to the curb, and plunged into blog sphere. That was 15 months ago.

What are our favorite hobbies and why?

My hobbies change depending on where life has taken me.

Indoor Activities

My Nana taught me to knit at the age of five. I learned to needlepoint, cross-stitch, quilt, weave baskets, (don’t even go there,—I’m a basket case some days), draw, paint, play the piano, and sing in the shower.

Outdoor Activities

I enjoyed water skiing as a kid. I downhill ski, ride on the back of a motorcycle, attend car shows, and I love anything adventurous. I’ve even held a boa,—so warm and cuddly.

When did you discover you liked to write, and why?

As a teen I kept a dairy, that is, until my mom discovered it in my underwear drawer. Wonder how that happened? I didn’t pursue writing seriously,—oh my, has it been 3 years already?


Good question. I like a challenge. No seriously, it’s another creative outlet that was waiting to emerge.

What are your biggest passions, and why?

My first passion is for God. Without spiritual guidance, I’d be nowhere. My other passions are listed in the second question.

How would you describe yourself in five words or less?

Easy-peasy. I’m a perfectionist, love to procrastinate, driven, motivated, and a cheerleader (not the high-school kind). I love to cheer others on.

What aspects of writing and reading do you enjoy the most, and why?

On Writing

To study my craft, and then apply what I’ve learned to become the best possible writer.

On Reading

I love getting lost in imaginary worlds.

What is your idea of a perfect romantic moment?

You’ll have to ask my hubby. 🙂

What is your favorite genre to read/write, and why?

I enjoy a good mystery. I love reading picture and chapter books, and young adult novels (no fantasy or vampire stories). I suppose that’s why I tend to write stories aimed at those genres.

What do you consider the weakest part of your writing?

Ugh! Did you have to bring that up? Where to place commas and trying to remember a million writing rules.

Who is your favorite super hero and why?

I don’t have one.

Where do you see yourself ten years from now?

Lord willing,–a well-known, published author. Autographs anyone? 🙂

To pay-it-forward, my nominees go to the following writers and authors. They are in no particular order.

Clara Bowman-Jahn is a published author. Check out Stacy S. Jensen’s review for Clar’s new book. I purchased a PDF copy of Annie’s Special Day. Buy a copy. You won’t be disappointed.

Tina M. Cho is a prolific freelance writer and published author of 16 books.

Vivian Kirkfield is a teacher, and an author who writes picture book stories that help toddlers learn their colors, numbers and ABC’s. Buy a copy of her new book,–Show Me How!

Stacy S. Jensen is a published author and has a memoir-in-progress.

Susanna Leonard Hill is a published children’s author. She also provides fun and challenging writing contests.

Karen Lee is a fabulous artist, and a writer who attends my library writing group.

Belinda Burston is a gifted writer, and the fearless leader of my other writing group,– The Writer’s Nest

Laura Bennett is co-writing a book with her husband,—The Miracle of Us: Confessions of Two Online Daters.

Marcy Kennedy is a freelance editor and writing instructor. She writes fantasy, and is my mentor and editor. 🙂

Thank you for inspiring, encouraging, and motivating me to become a better writer, and a human being. Now it’s your turn to pay-it-forward.

Who inspires, encourages, and motivates you?

Enjoy the long weekend, everyone!